Features & Tools

Things you can do on your own custom platform

NETWORK IT offers everything you could ever want to host your own social space and/or e-commerce platform.

Choose which features you want to use or hide.

Control how you want your members to interact.

Create your own categories for every module, making it a truly custom and complete solution.

Click on each feature below to learn more.


The dashboard is your command central where you can access and manage all the functions and features from one place.


Build custom communities and pods (sub groups) to coordinate, communicate & collaborate activities and engagement within your tribe.


Create a single or multi vendor marketplace. List items to sell publicly or inside a community or business structure using selling formats such as Buy Now, Classifieds, Auctions, Auction Events, Store & Flash Sales.


Create, market and manage your events. Sell tickets offline or online with the option of sending a portion from each sale to a campaign or project. It's a way to crowdsource with any event while you're having fun.


Choose from functions such as a business directory, a job board and resume listing service for your members to network. Businesses can host their own marketplace and enjoy all the functionality the site has to offer.


Create and link Campaigns to online trade to fund new projects and improvements for your community. Build a following and share the journey with progress updates and stories about the impact their support is helping to create.


Explore and create collections of files, photos, videos, blogs, audios, forms, polls, forums, group calendars and badges to award. Create content and share with your friends, communities or businesses.


Create and manage your own online communities and/or allow your members to create and manage their own. Customise permissions and privacy settings. Access all the tools available on the site inside your community.


Pods are subgroups inside a community structure where you can streamline members and activities into specific working groups or tasks.


Design how you would like to categorize your members on sign up and which collaboratives you would like to place them in by default, based on attributes you define.


Content specific to all things you subscribe, follow and join are funnelled into a central feed that you can quickly access to get updated in a scroll.


Add the RSS feeds of publications you would like to import and offer your members from one convenient place. These will automatically update as new articles are posted.


View your friends, search for more and manage requests and invites. Customise your own user profile feeds to capture the data you would like to track.


Create your own custom chat groups and access the list of chatrooms you belong to for each community, collaborative or pod you're a member of including the friends you're connected with.


Access the notifications associated with the activity you're interested in from one place. Customise which notifications you want to make available both inapp and via email.


Create a job board and resume listing service for you're members to network and enjoy. Customize application form questions for candidates to answer including the option for a video submission. Respond easily using email templates or customize your own.


Access your user profile, manage your password, privacy settings, PayPal account, notification preferences, social account integrations and signatures.


Login to communities, pods and business that you are the officer or admin of to post and manage activity under that profile. Logout of your group profile to return as a regular member.


Your members can access an extensive knowledge base of resources and how to's to help with any function on the site.


If you would like to use online trade to crowdfund a special cause you can keep track of all the activity you have contributed to from one place.