Business Centre

Directory, Job Board, Resumes

Allow members to list their business in the directory for others to follow and build community.

Create an online store and sell products inside your Business - reach beyond the physical store and connect with people around the globe

Get paid quickly and securely with credit cards, Paypal or Escrow.

Open up the Job Board & Resume function to allow your members to post a job or create a Resume listing to network internally.

Create custom questions for candidates to answer including a video submission. Respond easily using email templates or customize your own.

Enjoy all the features and functions available throughout the site inside a business structure. All of the e-commerce and engagement tools you will ever need.

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Unlock endless opportunities to engage, grow, and monetize by building a strong digital community. The data speaks for itself: investing in community-building yields a positive ROI. By fostering a thriving online community, you give users a compelling reason to use your app or platform more frequently, which leads to increased engagement, organic growth, and various monetization opportunities. As users become more loyal to your brand, they will naturally become your biggest advocates, helping you reach new audiences and drive even more growth. So why wait? Start building your digital community today and reap the benefits of a vibrant, engaged user base.. Contact us today to learn more!

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